Ever since I can remember, I’ve pondered the meaning of life and all the questions that go along with it. Are we an accident? If so, how come people are the only living things we know of that are intelligent enough to even ask that question? Are we the intentional result of a greater intelligence? If so, what is he/it like and why would he create us?
I need to provide a little background for whatever wisdom I’ve been able to accumulate. First, we need to know the difference between wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is merely an accumulation of information. Programming this information can create artificial intelligence. Wisdom is using the accumulation of knowledge to make moral judgments. Based on our concept of morality, wisdom can mean different things to different people. Understanding the meaning of knowledge is obvious, wisdom, not so much. Second, Wisdom or whatever word or concept you substitute for it, can mean different things to different people. One man’s wisdom can be another man’s recipe for disaster.
My personal life experience has brought me to my definition of wisdom. It has become the foundation of my attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions. I’m far from perfect and must admit I do not always emulate my basic fundamental beliefs. I was raised in a Catholic church-going family. As a naïve, impressionable boy, I believed every detail I was taught. I’m grateful to the Catholic religion for my Christian beliefs and path to salvation. Over time, I did some research reading and studying the Bible. In particular, I focused on the Gospels of Jesus, which seemed to be the most relevant to the morals of today. That’s when I discovered the hypocrisy of religious leaders professing the Christian faith. The words of no man, priest, pastor, bishop, or pope can be held higher than the word of God in the Bible. Too often we are told what to believe and do and only referred to scripture when it suits the needs of Christian hypocrites. I am convinced that most of the free thinking atheists in the world were created by religious hypocrites-many of them call themselves Christians. In conclusion, my definition of wisdom is based rom the only perfect source—the Christian Bible.
So what is the meaning of life if all living things are dying in this world? Only biblical Christianity answers all the questions in a way that makes sense. Only biblical Christianity has a god that was documented in history and proved who he was in the presence of hundreds of witnesses. The morality taught by Jesus in the Christian Bible is the only way people can live in peace with each other. History has proven that since the beginning of time.
I can best describe the meaning of life by the title of my first book—Love, Truth, and Power.
Love-God wants us to choose to love him. He created us with a free will and set the example by loving us first. Forced or programmed love isn’t love at all.
Truth-in a world of hypocrisy and lies, God wants us to know the truth. The definitive reference is the Christian Bible.
Power-without God, we are powerless. It’s been said that we are nothing more than a thought in God’s mind. If He stops thinking about us, we will cease to exist. If we accept Him as our god and savior, we have access to the greatest power in the universe-the power that created everything.
The short answer to the meaning of life is God-our creator, who invites us to live with Him in love and peace for all eternity. It doesn’t get any better than that?